Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Reports "Smart Consumer Vs Dumb Packaging" and "Does Your Packaging Speak Human?"

Reports "Smart Consumer Vs Dumb Packaging" and "Does Your Packaging Speak Human?" are now available from JoAnn Hines Packaging Diva.
I am available for commentary and interview on what's inside these reports.
I can also share the packaging concerns of all the consumer products companies that attended my programs at Cosmoprof NA.

A quick review of what is in the reports:

Does Your Packaging Speak Human?
Information overload. We all suffer from it. With a plethora of external influences pulling at retail, what is going to convince the consumer to zero in and choose your product? More importantly, are you speaking the right language to sway someone to read the product information and make the purchase?

It takes about 2.6 seconds to make a purchase decision. Why will someone pick up your product instead of your competitor’s? What compels them to buy your product? What will make your product "connect" over another?

In this report you will learn about the "human speak" of the package. You will learn how to use it to effectively influence the consumer. Discover how "warm and fuzzy" translates into more sales. Hear how you can "connect" to consumers. You will also find out what turns off the customer. By the end of the session you will have gained the knowledge necessary to hear your package and see your product through the eyes of the consumer.

Smart Consumer vs. Dumb Packaging.
Wow! Look at all the choices out there. For every category, there are dozens of products just like it on the market. So, how smart are consumers? Can they make an informed purchasing decision? Do people really comparison shop or do they just grab the first thing they see from the shelf? What role does packaging play in their decision to purchase?

In this report, you will discover the consumers’ intelligence and the power of your package to take them to school. Are they impressed with labels and logos or are they looking for the best value? Who is the ultimate decision maker and what can you do to influence them? They aren’t stupid! The most valuable information you will gain is how to NOT alienate consumers.
If you don't recognize these critical factors in your marketing efforts your dim-witted package will secure the dunce hat for your product. The product will be dying -- not flying off the shelf.

These may be ordered from the Packaging University store. The "best buy" is both reports for only $40. Scroll down to white papers and special reports at

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