So You Think Your Produce Packaging Is The Best? Let The Packaging Diva Decide.
Think you have a great produce packaging? Why not find out for sure from one of the top consumer products packaging experts. Due to her extensive produce packaging experience, JoAnn Hines the Packaging Diva was selected as one of the judges for the inaugural event the Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) new Impact Award: Excellence in Produce Packaging.
The award was created to recognize companies who best demonstrate “out-of-the-box-thinking” and packaging excellence. If you think this applies to your packaging be sure and enter this competition. Ms Hines will be on the lookout for the most innovative, exciting and new produce packaging that "connects" with the consumer.
A winner will be selected in each of the five packaging award categories: food safety/traceability, functionality/technology, marketing design/messaging, sustainability, and merchandising/transportability. All nominated packaged products must be currently commercially available. Awards will be presented October 13, 2007, during Fresh Summit’s Saturday Breakfast General Session Submission forms and instructions can be found at
Need packaging help? Why not contact me the Packaging Diva one of the top consumer product packaging experts via email at or by phone at 1-678-594-6872. I can help you package your product to sell just like I have helped hundreds of happy clients.
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